Blog Posts / commerce transformation

Experiential Retail Stores / Brick and Mortar for the Digital Era
Despite numerous attempts to destroy the sector for good, physical retail stores still form a key part of regular business activity. Of course, while most brick and mortar retailers are at least expanding online, there’s now a more competitive retail sector and even the biggest chains need to up their game. In our eternal quest to uncover every...

E-Commerce & Retail Transformation / A History & Future of Convenience
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana In 2021, Walmart overtook eBay as the 2nd largest e-commerce store in the US, with Amazon remaining number 1. While that might seem trivial to some, the implications are far from insignificant; a traditionally brick-and-mortar supermarket was able to overtake a long...

Digital Transformation Challenges / What Helps, What Doesn’t?
“Digital Transformation” is not a magic stick. You can’t just throw money at a problem and expect everything to work out. Digital Transformation can – and does – sometimes fail. And often, that happens even before technology is even involved. We’ve spent 25 years helping companies to fully realize their digital potential. We’ve seen how...

25 Years / How Digital Transformation is Changing the World
1997 was a very different place. Netflix had just started its rental service, DVDs were slowly taking over VHS and we accessed the internet via Netscape – at least those of us with the time and modem to do so. Even giants like eBay and Amazon were only 4 and 5 years old respectively. Google had only just registered...

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