Blog Posts / Data Consulting

The Complex World of AI Failures / When Artificial Intelligence Goes Terribly Wrong
AI has revolutionized industries, offering impressive capabilities in efficiency, speed, and innovation. However, as AI systems become more integrated into business operations, it becomes evident that these tools are not without flaws. From minor glitches to significant ethical issues, AI failures highlight the fragility of these systems. Businesses must...

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing the Supply Chain of Building Materials
Can artificial intelligence revolutionize the management of building materials supply chains? Learn how AI can help optimize demand forecasting, manage orders and inventory, minimize risks, and personalize customer offerings. Discover the future of AI in the construction industry. The supply chain in the building materials industry is a complex and...

The Growing Impact of Data Governance and Data Quality for Business
Never build on weak foundations – a good sentiment for building buildings and business processes alike. Today, everyone is looking to build on their data, but how do we ensure data quality? In the past, when data tools were simple, data quality was less of an issue. However, the recent growth of advanced data tools, such as business intelligence,...

Data & AI Trends / Predicting Artificial Intelligence in 2024
If you haven’t read about AI at some point this year, you’d have to be a hermit, living in a cave… on another planet. ChatGPT alone filled up half of our LinkedIn feeds, but the future of Generative AI is far from the only new AI technology 2024 has on the horizon for us… We previously covered the most...

Privacy vs Personalization / The Future of Data Privacy
Data is the future, data is the new oil… we’ve all heard the idioms that user data is going to be important. Yet watchdogs, consumer activities and government officials are likewise imposing stricter privacy and security regulations. As such, the future of privacy and data is at something of a crossroads. Surely, for data collection and...

Automated Scheduling / Solving Worktime Optimization With Operations Research
If data scientists try hard enough, everything can be measured in terms of parameters. In the workplace, we quickly apply these principles to know processes that be automated based on those parameters. One area that doesn’t always get considered is human resources. Perhaps it’s because we don’t consider employees to be piles of data, but there’s...

Experience-Driven Commerce via Personalization / An Introduction
Experience is everything these days. At least it might seem so between hyperpersonalization, customer experience and a hundred other buzzwords ending in experience (more on that later 😉 ) Specifically in e-commerce & retail, this is an increasingly obvious direction, so we have one encompassing term: experience-driven commerce. Well, one...

Personalization in E-Commerce / The Basics
When talking face to face, personalization often happens at unconscious level. Interacts are smooth, adapted on the fly to suit the customer’s needs. Shop assistants can guide people to where they need to be and, when it comes to homing in on exactly what someone wants, it’s the fundamental secret to any good salesperson. But online? We must adapt....

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