Blog Posts / E-commerce

Content Commerce / Unlocking Customer Acquisition
Creating valuable and engaging content in the digital era has become a must-have for success. Every brand is guided by a set of values that customers can identify with. Content commerce is a strategy that combines content with a product or service in a way that encourages customers to make a purchase decision. Understanding Content Commerce Beauty brands...

E-commerce API / Unleashing the Full Potential of Online Business
Imagine a world where you could speak any language fluently – wouldn’t that be something? You could communicate with anyone, anywhere, opening up endless opportunities. In the digital and e-commerce world, APIs are the polyglots, that enable different software applications to talk to each other. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of...

D2C: Direct to Success / Benefits and Challenges
Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) is gaining popularity among manufacturers who want to differentiate their distribution strategy and build a direct relationship with customers. But is this approach suitable for everyone? In our article, we will examine the benefits and challenges of this model, as well as discuss the different sales channels within D2C. What is...

Composable Commerce, Headless Commerce or MACH? / Decomposing the Monolith
Composable Commerce, Headless Commerce and MACH are the three terms that encapsulate the modern approach to building e-commerce systems. In this article, we explain the differences between these concepts and compare them with the idea of a monolith. Monolithic Structure of the E-commerce System Let’s start from the last point: a short...

Is Composable Commerce for You? / A Practical Checklist
Have you ever wondered how to be successful in e-commerce while steering clear of vendor lock-in or the trap of high costs of each change? The solution may be Composable Commerce – a concept of flexible, modular and scalable e-commerce for the integration of various components, technologies and services to create a personalized shopping experience. We...

E-commerce Platform / 11 Essential Features
As B2B customers are increasingly opting for the speed, ease and convenience of online shopping, a whopping 49% of B2B expenses occur online. What’s more, 68% of B2B buyers expect their reliance on digital sales channels to grow in the future. Given the above, there can be only one conclusion: if your company has not yet embraced digital commerce...

Digitalization for the Furniture Market / Get Ahead!
Digital transformation of commerce is one of the most important challenges that the furniture industry is going to face in the short term. Although people still like to buy furniture in-store, we can’t help but notice the growing interest in online shopping in this sector. Digital transformation involves a series of changes affecting every nook and corner...

Top 10 Sales Development Trends / Furniture Industry
For the furniture industry, the optimization of various sales channels both online and offline, is of critical importance. 2023 is a good time to put certain areas and processes in order, plan support activities, and develop e-commerce sales. To help you prepare for future growth, take advantage of upcoming opportunities and anticipate challenges, we...

E-Commerce Development in 2023 / Trends and Expert Tips
Due to the anticipated crisis, 2023 will be a tough year, which will undoubtedly affect the operations of many companies. After the difficult two-year pandemic, which disorganized or even crushed many businesses around the world, we will probably face such challenges as rampant inflation, energy problems and disrupted supply chains. The economic and...

How To Improve Customer Engagement? Recommendation Systems!
Data Analytics & Machine Learning
Recommendation systems are more than a buzzword. They have become one of the most popular ways to improve customer engagement and conversions on websites. An individual and personalized approach is a basic expectation, and users are much more likely to interact with brands that fit their current needs. Let’s find out how recommender systems impact...

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