Talend – Capabilities of the Solution and Licensing Model
For many years, Talend has been recognized as one of the leaders of Data Integration. We have decided to look into the solutions it offers and present to you: Key facts about this software vendor. Description of the most important functionalities and products it offers. Features offered by the solution. Talend is a middleware software provider originating...

Free SSL certificates for test and development environments
If you have developed an application and are now facing a challenge of configuring your SSL in test environments, this article is just for you. Read on to learn how to: provide your environments with LetsEncrypt certificates automate their generation and renewal elegantly circumvent the limitations of test and development environments. Many an application...

How to manage product information using PIM
Product Information Management
The rapid growth of e-commerce and the subsequent high competition have increased the standards and expectations of customers. A multi-channel presence and message consistency are just some of the challenges that need to be faced. How can you meet them? Start from ensuring high quality product information, as well as its proper presentation, and make sure...

Seven cross-border commandments, or what you need to sell abroad
When the mythical Prince Lech founded the Polish state at the heart of Europe, he did not foresee two things ‒ the massive problems that the proximity of the Germanic and Slavic neighbors would cause in the future and the opportunities this would hold in the 21st century; namely e-business opportunities! In the era of a shrinking world, the...

Hello World, or how to build the first module in Magento 2.1.5
Read this post to find out how to easily build your first module in Magento 2.1.5. By way of example, let me show you how to create a module that displays a “Hello World” message. To do this, we’ll use actions and a controller. Prepare We’ll use Magento v. 2.1.5 for this job. Before starting, look at the following...

Who Should Be Interested in PIM?
Product Information Management
Despite the growing availability of advanced systems to support product information management, not every company needs to implement them. Below we explore some of the indicators to decide whether it is worth investing in a Product Information Management (PIM) system. A large number of dynamically changing products The number of products is a relative...

Automated tests and test pyramids in Magento 2 – check which can be useful
Software testing is a long and complex process. In the contemporary world, maintaining a high-quality product using only a manual approach to testing is difficult. Frequent changes that can affect large parts of the system require automation of certain areas. An agile approach to software development involves testing from the earliest possible stage of the...

IT architecture integration based on API-led Connectivity
API-led connectivity is a concept based on connecting data between systems through reusable and purposeful APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This connection is a method of delivering services within the meaning of Service-orientated Architecture (SOA). Read this article to find out: the nature of this integration model how this model is different...

PSD2. How should banks prepare their IT architecture?
Early 2018 will see the EU’s Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) enter into force, which will apply to all Member States. The changes introduced by PSD2 will require customer-account holding institutions to take appropriate actions. Banking institutions will need to quickly adapt their IT architecture to meet the new requirements, while also...

Facebook Messenger Bot: Talk to customers when your competitors are asleep
The text message will soon celebrate its 25th birthday! The first message, “Merry Christmas”, was transmitted in December 1992. Initially, SMS was used to send messages to employees, but it soon became apparent that the technology would have a much wider use. Did anyone foresee the tectonic shift that shook the business world after the advent of a slew...

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